ZIP codes 22151, 22158, 22159, 22160, 22161

Postal codes 22158, 22159, 22160 and 22161 do not correspond to a specific geographic area found on maps prepared by the U.S. Census Bureau. VPAP has placed these ZIP codes with the boundaries of an adjacent ZIP Code: 22151.

  1. Mark Herring: $64,175 (60.13%)
    (5 donors)
    Total Donor (Company)
    $57,500 Saslaw for Senate - Richard
    $5,500 Va Eagle Distributing Co
    $750 Kinder, Thomas
    $245 Luca, Margaret K
    $180 Blizard, Robert E
  2. Terry McAuliffe: $18,950 (17.76%)
    (30 donors)
    Total Donor (Company)
    $4,500 Mamo, Joe
    $3,000 Simmons, John M
    $2,500 Sweeney, Ann
    $2,000 Saslaw, Eleanor B
    $800 Sinclair, William Allan
    $660 Harpine, Cynthia
    $500 Guy, Adam
    $500 Perushek, Matthew
    $500 Warchal, Michael
    $475 Sanders, Kenneth
    $466 Traweek, James L
    $450 Walderman, William J
    $385 Crawford, Sharyn
    $260 Bovill, Kathryn
    $250 Hirsh, David
    $250 Hubbard, Mariana Douglas
    $165 Baskin, Cathy
    $150 Atha, Veronica
    $150 Jones, Edward
    $150 Pearson, Daniel
    $150 Rosbolt, Paul
    $125 Barr, Karen A
    $125 Kurland, Daniel
    $113 Gardner, Gay
    $113 Field, Cathy
    $50 Carretta, Patricia
    $50 Facteau, Lorna
    $50 Kozloff, Linda
    $50 Toombs, Mary Kaye
    $12 Smaldore, Linda
  3. Glenn Youngkin: $12,620 (11.83%)
    (18 donors)
    Total Donor (Company)
    $5,000 State Employee Rights Campaign
    $2,250 McManus, Reginald P
    $1,230 Quioto, Don
    $1,000 Blanchard, Mark
    $500 Brand, Anita
    $500 Fonseca, Deborah De Moss
    $315 Brown, Dennis A
    $300 Baker, Carolyn
    $300 Baker, Larry A
    $250 Bennett, Nancy
    $250 Gaskins, Steve Pettie III
    $150 Bellot, Judy
    $150 Nguyen, Nhat
    $125 Berry, Donna S
    $125 Berry, Steven
    $100 Baldwin, Bruce R
    $50 Medigovich, Betty Kay
    $25 Cecka, Richard A
  4. Kirk Cox: $10,000 (9.37%)
    (1 donors)
    Total Donor (Company)
    $10,000 Virginia Shelter Corp
  5. Jennifer Carroll Foy: $825 (0.77%)
    (4 donors)
    Total Donor (Company)
    $500 Sewell, Samantha
    $225 Adler, Laura
    $50 Discenza, Deborah Anne
    $50 Fedor, Jennifer
  6. Amanda Chase: $150 (0.14%)
    (1 donors)
    Total Donor (Company)
    $150 Albin, Michael
  7. Sergio de la Pena: $0 (0.00%)
  8. Pete Snyder: $0 (0.00%)
  9. Jennifer McClellan: $0 (0.00%)
  10. Octavia Johnson: $0 (0.00%)
  11. Justin Fairfax: $0 (0.00%)
  12. Peter Doran: $0 (0.00%)
  13. Lee Carter: $0 (0.00%)
  14. Princess Blanding: $0 (0.00%)

If a donor is listed in a candidate's campaign finance disclosure report with a different name, occupation, or address, he or she will be listed more than once on this page.

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