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ZIP codes 23289, 23294

Postal code 23289 does not correspond to a specific geographic area found on maps prepared by the U.S. Census Bureau. VPAP has placed this ZIP code with the boundaries of an adjacent ZIP Code: 23294.

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59 Donors Gave $1,967,393

Amount Donor ZIP
$300 Shookoff-Moskowitz, Gail D 23294
$300 Bishop, Stephen 23294
$285 Bernstein, Allen D 23294
$275 Phelps, Camilla Bryant 23294
$250 Capstone Contracting Co 23294
$250 Sima Financial Group Inc 23294
$250 Fincham, Brandi 23294
$250 Acoustical Solutions 23294
$250 Eakes, Jason 23294
$200 7th District Republican Committee Federal 23294
$150 Amin, Mohammed Nurul 23294
$150 Gibson, Barbara 23294
$100 McGurn, Daniel 23294
$75 Chaber, Denna 23294
$50 Riggs, Greg 23294
$50 Dermatology Center Of Richmond PC 23294
$50 Poston, Erin 23294
$50 Small, Daniel P 23294
$30 Wyatt, Bonita 23294

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