ZIP codes 23289, 23294

Postal code 23289 does not correspond to a specific geographic area found on maps prepared by the U.S. Census Bureau. VPAP has placed this ZIP code with the boundaries of an adjacent ZIP Code: 23294.

  1. Ed Gillespie: $140,169 (51.72%)
    (8 donors)
    Total Donor (Company)
    $74,666 Va Hospital & Healthcare Assn
    $60,000 Forest Consulting Services
    $4,000 American Council of Engineering Companies of Virginia
    $1,000 Wright, Richard
    $251 Gandhi, Goutam
    $150 Meeks, Thomas J
    $52 Vick, John
    $50 Bishop, Stephen
  2. Ralph Northam: $130,822 (48.28%)
    (10 donors)
    Total Donor (Company)
    $115,842 Common Good VA
    $10,500 Medical Society of Va
    $1,500 Va Chapter American Academy of Pediatrics
    $1,000 Global General Properties LLC
    $700 Miller, Roger
    $500 Hysteria Media Group LLC
    $300 Shearer, Susan
    $250 Eakes, Jason
    $150 Wyatt, Bonita
    $80 Tucker, Mary
  3. Rob Wittman: $0 (0.00%)
  4. Frank Wagner: $0 (0.00%)
  5. Corey Stewart: $0 (0.00%)
  6. Denver Riggleman: $0 (0.00%)
  7. Tom Perriello: $0 (0.00%)
  8. Cliff Hyra: $0 (0.00%)
  9. Jason Carrier: $0 (0.00%)

METHODOLOGY: Totals include money that candidates raised in 2016-17 through both candidate committee and associated PACs.

If a donor is listed in a candidate's campaign finance disclosure report with a different name, occupation, or address, he or she will be listed more than once on this page.

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