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As primary election looms, make a plan to participate at the polls

Virginian-Pilot Editorial (Metered Paywall - 2 articles a month)

Coming only days after most public school districts complete their academic year, Virginia’s June 18 primary election will almost certainly struggle to draw crowds at the polls this year. That’s unfortunate given the importance of several races on the ballot this summer. Nomination races for U.S. Senate and House will shape November matchups that will help determine the majorities of the Congress, which convenes in January. Voters shouldn’t overlook this opportunity to participate and should make a plan now to have their say. Tuesday is the registration deadline for those who intend to vote in the June primary, a date made less important thanks to measures that allow eligible Virginians to cast a ballot through same-day registration.

VaNews May 28, 2024

Haines: Youngkin fights bias in the opioid crisis. Why not maternal health care?

By KATHRYN HAINES, published in Richmond Times-Dispatch (Metered Paywall - 7 articles a month)

Last May, Gov. Glenn Youngkin signed an executive order to expand Naloxone access and combat opioid overdoses. As vice chair of the Chesterfield County School Board last year, I was grateful for the governor’s efforts to combat well-documented bias toward those who struggle with substance-use disorder. Bias has prevented school boards from stocking life-saving naloxone. The governor’s strategic decision to attend a Revive! Training at Stafford High School with the first lady gave political cover to Virginia school boards considering policies to stock naloxone in their schools.

Haines is health equity manager at the Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy.

VaNews May 28, 2024

There’s a Shortage of OB-GYNS Locally, Statewide, and Nationally


In mid-February, Dakota Richardson went to the emergency room at Stafford Hospital for abdominal pain. Ultrasound imaging revealed a large cyst on one of her ovaries. “They told me they were not going to remove it right away because it wasn’t an emergency yet,” Richardson told the Advance. “But they said, we want you to go to your gynecologist.” She did, and a follow-up ultrasound showed that the cyst was still there. She and her doctor decided to move forward with surgery at Mary Washington Hospital to remove it.

VaNews May 28, 2024

New flights are coming to Reagan National Airport. Where will they go?

By MICHAEL LARIS, Washington Post (Metered Paywall - 3 articles a month)

An aviation law signed by President Biden this month will add five new round-trip flights to Reagan National Airport. The move followed a year of political struggle, with backers citing the benefits of adding nonstop destinations and boosting competition and critics warning of new delays and safety risks on the airport’s already overused primary runway in Arlington, Va.

VaNews May 28, 2024

Toxic sediment cleanup at Chesapeake’s Money Point finally entering last leg


The industrial area of Money Point in Chesapeake was once the most contaminated section of the Elizabeth River, and among the worst in the entire Chesapeake Bay watershed. Visitors could smell toxic creosote that covered the river bottom feet-thick, a tar-based substance used by industrial plants to preserve lumber coming from places like the Great Dismal Swamp. By the 1990s and early 2000s, the ecosystem was pretty much dead, said Marjorie Mayfield Jackson, executive director of the nonprofit Elizabeth River Project.

VaNews May 28, 2024

D.C.-area parents worry about learning loss and teacher shortages, poll finds


Nearly half of Washington-area parents say learning loss from the pandemic and teacher shortages are major issues for local schools, a Washington Post-Schar School poll found, as districts continue to look for ways to boost student performance. When asked to rate how serious certain issues were in their communities’ schools, 46 percent of parents of schoolchildren across the region say learning loss from covid disruptions and not having enough teachers are major problems. More than half of parents in D.C. name each as major problems, along with roughly half in suburban Maryland and just over 4 in 10 in Northern Virginia.

VaNews May 28, 2024

Yancey: Senate candidate thinks driving to Abingdon is time wasted. Here’s why it’s not.

By DWAYNE YANCEY, Cardinal News

Gov. Glenn Youngkin last week got to experience some of the things that make the western part of Virginia unique. First he couldn’t fly into Wise County for a speaking engagement because a cloud was sitting on top of the mountaintop airport. Instead, his state plane diverted to Abingdon and the governor took a 49-mile ride to the town of Wise. His police escort couldn’t clear away one obstacle, though: a 100-ton boulder that, loosened by overnight rains, had fallen onto the road. The governor persevered, though. Even though he was running late due to the elements, he made all of his scheduled events last Thursday in Southwest Virginia ...

VaNews May 28, 2024

Tobacco Commission approves $500,000 for Southern Virginia Megasite at Berry Hill

By STAFF REPORT, Danville Register & Bee

The Virginia Tobacco Commission voted to approve a $500,000 grant toward engineering and design of an improved natural gas gate at the Southern Virginia Megasite at Berry Hill in Pittsylvania County. The commission approved the grant during its meeting Wednesday in Ewing in southwest Virginia. "Prospect interest in the Southern Virginia Megasite at Berry Hill makes it imperative that engineering design for the natural gas gate to proceed so that the required gas gate infrastructure can be constructed to provide natural gas service to the property," according to staff comments on the commission agenda.

VaNews May 28, 2024

Rozell: GOP House races expose the risks of far-right primary campaigns

By MARK J. ROZELL, published in Richmond Times-Dispatch (Metered Paywall - 7 articles a month)

Can a Republican primary campaign that is so ideologically extreme navigate back to the electable middle in time for the fall election? Two Virginia congressional races are testing the proposition and either could ultimately determine the balance of national power and profoundly shape U.S. policy for many years. One is the confusing and bitter nomination fight in the rural, strongly conservative 5th Congressional District that exposes deep fissures in the GOP.

Rozell is the dean of the Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University where he holds the Ruth D. and John T. Hazel Chair in Public Policy.

VaNews May 28, 2024

Youngkin joins veterans, families in commemorating Memorial Day at Virginia War Memorial


Hundreds of Virginians joined veterans, their families and Gov. Glenn Youngkin at the Virginia War Memorial on Monday for the Commonwealth’s 68th Annual Memorial Day Ceremony. “On Memorial Day, it is not the death of our service members, but it is how they lived their lives, that we must celebrate,” Youngkin said. Youngkin was joined by Major General James Wing, who served as the Adjutant General of Virginia.

VaNews May 28, 2024