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Youngkin Pledges to Decouple Virginia from California Vehicle Emissions Standards by End of 2024

By SARAH VOGELSONG, Inside Climate News

Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin has pledged to return Virginia to federal vehicle emissions standards, three years after the state’s Democratic-led legislature passed a law committing the state to follow more stringent emissions rules set by California. “The idea that government should be telling Virginians what kind of car they must drive is just simply wrong,” said Youngkin Wednesday afternoon at a press conference held at a Toyota dealership south of Richmond. … But environmental groups say the governor’s move is an illegal overreach of his powers, one that attempts to circumvent a law he finds distasteful but that his party has so far failed to undo in the legislature.

VaNews June 6, 2024

Charlottesville Police Civilian Oversight Board Can Request Police Reports Again—But Issues Remain

By ANASTASIIA CARRIER, Charlottesville Tomorrow

After eight months of being essentially non-functioning, the Charlottesville Police Civilian Oversight Board got some of its teeth back — it can now request access to police records it needs for proper misconduct oversight. But the long awaited resolution has some issues. On Friday, May 31, Charlottesville City Manager Sam Sanders signed new standard operating procedures providing detailed guidance on information sharing, ending a prolonged period during which the Charlottesville Police Civilian Oversight Board (PCOB) was unable to access any police records or investigate potential cases of police misconduct.

VaNews June 6, 2024

Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office turns off all comments on social media channels

By EVAN GOODENOW, Loudoun Times (Metered Paywall - 5 articles a month)

The Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office has turned off comments on its social media posts. “Our goal is to ensure that the LCSO social media platforms are informative and welcoming and that all members of our community feel respected and safe when they visit,” said a May 31 LCSO post explaining the change. “We will continue to provide information that is relevant, accurate, and timely related to law enforcement matters, public safety, community outreach, and agency news.” ... The agency’s Facebook posts regularly received dozens — and sometimes hundreds — of comments, and Julia said some were “inflammatory.”

VaNews June 6, 2024

Proposed data center project could bring billions in investment to Pittsylvania County

By GRACE MAMON, Cardinal News

Billions of investment dollars could be coming to Pittsylvania County with the development of a data center that was unanimously recommended by the planning commission at its Tuesday meeting. The project could represent up to $5 billion in investment, according to the Pittsylvania County Industrial Development Authority. It could also contribute up to $120 million in tax revenue over a 10- to 15-year period, though it’s too early to say for sure, said Matt Rowe, the economic development director for the county. The data center, which would be the first of its kind in Pittsylvania, could also create up to 500 jobs.

VaNews June 6, 2024

Cell Phone Ban Adopted in King George County Schools


King George County Public Schools this week became the first area school division to implement a total ban on cell phones, and similar bans are being considered in Stafford and Caroline county schools. The King George School Board adopted Policy JFCK at its regular meeting on Monday. The policy states that “possession or use of portable communications devices such as cellular telephones, or other hand-held computing devices, shall be prohibited at each school to prevent disruption of the educational environment and to maintain order on school property during the instructional day.”

VaNews June 6, 2024

Against backdrop of car dealership, Youngkin announces reversal of California-driven electric-car sale rules

By BILL ATKINSON, Progress Index (Metered paywall - 10 articles a month)

Saying he was “unleashing the power” of Virginia consumers, Gov. Glenn Youngkin said he planned to do away with a California-driven initiative requiring that a percentage of vehicle purchases in the state be electrically-powered cars by the end of the year. “We are ending once and for all the California Electric Vehicle Mandate in Virginia,” Youngkin said to thunderous applause Wednesday afternoon in an appearance at Loyalty Toyota.

VaNews June 6, 2024

Youngkin pulling Virginia out of clean car emission standards mandate

By TREVOR METCALFE, Virginian-Pilot (Metered Paywall - 2 articles a month)

Gov. Glenn Youngkin said Wednesday his administration will withdraw Virginia from a plan to follow strict car emissions standards set by California. The move, which will take effect when current standards expire at the end of 2024, drew applause from gasoline and auto dealer trade groups and condemnation from Virginia Democrats and environmental groups, who said the administration was overstepping its authority. In an announcement, Youngkin said Virginia will not follow new California rules set to take effect in 2025, which mandate all new cars, trucks and SUVs sold in the state to run on electricity or hydrogen by 2035.

VaNews June 6, 2024

Tearful testimony opens first trial of man who participated in 2017 torch-carrying mob at UVa

By HAWES SPENCER, Daily Progress (Metered Paywall - 25 articles a month)

The tearful testimony of a Jewish University of Virginia alumna was the first evidence presented in the trial of Jacob Joseph Dix, an Ohio man charged with using fire to racially intimidate for his role in the 2017 torch-carrying mob at the University of Virginia the night before the deadly Unite the Right rally-turned riot. Diane D’Costa told the jury about Aug. 11, 2017, the day she moved into her room on UVa’s hallowed Lawn, the center of Founding Father Thomas Jefferson’s Academical Village, when she heard chanting outside her door.

VaNews June 6, 2024

Youngkin says Virginia won’t follow California’s clean car standards anymore

By GRAHAM MOOMAW, Virginia Mercury

Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin said Wednesday that the state will no longer follow car emissions standards set by California, despite his party’s failure to repeal or roll back a 2021 Democratic law that tied Virginia to those regulations. The move tees up what could be another legal fight over Republican leaders’ efforts to undo climate change-related measures Democrats passed when they had full control of state government a few years ago. The governor has already drawn a lawsuit over his decision to end Virginia’s participation in a regional program meant to curb carbon emissions from power plants, arguing the initiative was too burdensome for regular Virginians who had to absorb the cost through higher electricity bills.

VaNews June 6, 2024

80 years after D-Day, a national memorial in Bedford keeps memories alive

By MATT BUSSE, Cardinal News

It’s commonly called one of the major turning points of World War II. On June 6, 1944 — D-Day — more than 150,000 Allied troops crossed the English Channel to storm the beaches of Nazi-occupied Normandy, France, supported by paratroopers and aerial and naval bombardment. Thousands of Allied soldiers died after meeting fierce resistance from German forces, but the operation kicked off the eventual liberation of Western Europe. The National D-Day Memorial that honors the “valor, fidelity and sacrifice” of D-Day veterans is in Bedford, a site chosen in large part because it’s thought to have suffered the greatest per-capita losses of any American community on that historic day.

VaNews June 6, 2024