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Bob Good’s Investments Are a Mystery. His Explanations Are Even More Mysterious.


When Bob Good first ran for Congress, he made no secret of what stocks he owned: They were all listed in personal financial disclosure reports. Valued between $200,000 and $1.7 million — there are wide ranges allowed in the reports for each asset — Good divulged that he owned over 100 different stocks and mutual funds on his first disclosure as a congressional candidate in 2020. But just a few years later, as a member of Congress and candidate in a highly competitive primary, the details of Good’s finances had disappeared. Government ethics experts told NOTUS his lack of disclosure appears to be a violation of the House Ethics Committee rules for candidates and members of Congress.

VaNews June 17, 2024

Testing drones to deliver medical supplies in Roanoke


The biggest health care provider in the western part of the state is testing a new way to connect its operations. For two weeks this month, a drone has been buzzing over Carilion Clinic’s medical facilities in Roanoke. It’s been delivering medical supplies and medications around Carilion’s campus and to some offices up to three miles away. Home base is a trailer-sized landing facility where packages are automatically loaded and unloaded and securely stored. In addition to testing pick up and drop off systems, the proof-of-concept testing also had to account for aircraft, like Carilion’s fleet of medevac helicopters.

VaNews June 17, 2024

Four House races to watch in Tuesday’s Virginia primaries

By CAMI MONDEAUX, Washington Examiner

Virginia will get its chance to influence who is sent to the House of Representatives next year as voters cast their ballot in several high-profile primaries on Tuesday. There are two open seats this fall due to the retirement of Democratic Reps. Abigail Spanberger (D-VA) and Jennifer Wexton (D-VA), the first of which is seen as a key pickup opportunity for Republicans without an incumbent to run against. Meanwhile, Democrats will choose their nominee to challenge Rep. Jen Kiggans (R-VA) in a Biden-won district.

VaNews June 17, 2024

More districts leave Virginia School Board Association

By NATHANIEL CLINE, Virginia Mercury

A handful of Virginia school boards are exiting the Virginia School Board Association, the longest-running organization dedicated to supporting school boards in the commonwealth, over claims that it has failed to meet their needs and doesn’t align with their conservative values. Gina Patterson, executive director of VSBA, established in 1906, said she would not comment on the claims made by the few boards but instead responded that the association’s decisions are based on the school boards’ priorities, not staff’s.

VaNews June 17, 2024

Price and Early: Virginians deserve a vote on issue of ‘gray games’

By CIA PRICE AND MARK EARLEY, published in Bristol Herald Courier (Metered Paywall - 15 articles a month)

As elected state lawmakers, we know all too well the importance of listening to our constituents on the issues before us. Recently, our constituents have increasingly shared their concerns with us about the possible legalization of the so-called “gray games” we have all seen in convenience stores and gas stations in every city, county and town across our state.

Price, a Democrat, is serving her fifth term in the Virginia House of Delegates; Earley, a Republican, is in his freshman term in the Virginia House of Delegates.

VaNews June 17, 2024

Yancey: Here’s what’s at stake in Tuesday’s primaries

By DWAYNE YANCEY, Cardinal News

Donald Trump is not on the ballot Tuesday, but in a way he is. Virginia holds a smattering of primaries across the state, and his influence within the Republican Party will be tested in the most prominent ones. The marquee race will be the congressional primary in the 5th District, where House Freedom Caucus chair Bob Good, R-Campbell County, faces a challenge from state Sen. John McGuire, R-Goochland County, whose entire campaign seems based on his claim that he’s more loyal to Trump than Good is — and for which he’s earned Trump’s endorsement (and a tele-rally Monday evening).

VaNews June 17, 2024

Mountain Valley Pipeline goes into service

By LAURENCE HAMMACK, Roanoke Times (Metered Paywall - 5 articles a month)

The Mountain Valley Pipeline began to transport natural gas Friday, at the angst of opponents who fear the project’s troubled history is not over. Pressurized gas flowed from northern West Virginia through the New River and Roanoke valleys, three days after Mountain Valley received a final go-ahead from federal regulators.

VaNews June 17, 2024

Virginia’s state budget will fund OB-GYN medical residencies amid obstetrics closures


Julia Resil is leaving Virginia. At this stage in her career, the chapter of being a medical resident is naturally coming to a close and she will move on to become an attending physician in Rhode Island. Resil has spent the past three years at Johnston Memorial Hospital in Abingdon, in Southwest Virginia. She’s excited that she’ll be closer to her family in Boston and nearer to metropolitan areas, though practicing family medicine in a rural area was attractive to her as a medical resident. Family medicine practice can include obstetrics — the delivery of babies — and the exodus of doctors like Resil comes at a time where several rural hospitals in Virginia have suspended their obstetrics programs.

VaNews June 17, 2024

Crossing the Blue Ridge Parkway is slow going in quest for broadband deployment

By TAD DICKENS, Cardinal News

High-speed internet is tantalizingly close to the five houses on Hogan Road in Roanoke County. Two right turns from the Roanoke County thoroughfare is Rutrough Road. “And it’s Cox [Communications cable] all the way down,” said Hogan Road resident Jessica Tipton. “Like, my grandma lives 2 minutes down the road. They have it.” Tipton moved into the neighborhood nearly a year ago, and her property includes a box containing a cable hookup. The previous resident told her the box had been there for two years. The holdup is just across the street from Tipton and her neighbors. It’s the Blue Ridge Parkway, and federal approval is required to run cable under the scenic national road.

VaNews June 17, 2024

Freedom Caucus member takes unprecedented step backing Good’s challenger


A member of the House Freedom Caucus is taking an unprecedented step to endorse the primary challenger fighting to unseat the ultra conservative group’s chair. Rep. Warren Davidson (R-Ohio) is endorsing John McGuire, a state senator who is in a highly watched race against Rep. Bob Good (R-Va.), McGuire’s campaign first shared with POLITICO.

VaNews June 17, 2024