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Youngkin says 24-hour notice of overdoses will be required by state

By EVAN GOODENOW, Loudoun Times (Metered Paywall - 5 articles a month)

A bill directing the Virginia Board of Education to develop a parental notification policy for school-connected suspected overdoses has become a law without a provision calling for those notifications to be sent within 24 hours of an incident. Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) signed the bill on May 17 but said the House of Delegates diluted the legislation by removing the 24-hour notification provision included in the state Senate version of the bill. “While the current language does not go far enough to ensure parental notification of school-connected overdoses, it allows the (Virginia) Board of Education to establish guidelines,” he said in a news release. “The Board of Education will begin this work immediately.”

VaNews May 30, 2024

Charges reduced against 3 facing prosecution in man’s death during admission to psychiatric hospital

Associated Press

Second-degree murder charges against two sheriff’s deputies and a hospital worker have been reduced to involuntary manslaughter in the death of a Virginia man who was pinned to the floor for about 11 minutes while being admitted to a state psychiatric hospital. The downgrading of the charges in the 2023 death of Irvo Otieno comes just weeks after prosecutors withdrew charges against five other sheriff’s deputies, a move criticized by Otieno’s family.

VaNews May 30, 2024

Some York County school board members say they still won’t go to rescheduled training

By BEN SWENSON, Virginia Gazette (Metered Paywall - 4 Articles per Month)

York County’s school board voted Monday night to reschedule a training retreat that was previously postponed due to concerns that the meeting could expose the school division to legal challenges. In a 3-2 vote — with Chair Lynda Fairman, Vice Chair Kimberly Goodwin and Zoran Pajevic voting in favor — the board opted to reschedule the retreat to May 31. The board also voted, by the same three-member majority, to follow the same agenda that had been proposed for the postponed training, with the School Board Member Alliance organizing the presenters.

VaNews May 29, 2024

Judge nixes bid to block work on Va. offshore wind farm


The construction of a massive wind farm off the coast of Virginia can continue as scheduled after a federal judge on Friday rejected calls to freeze work on the project. The Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, the Heartland Institute, and the National Legal and Policy Center sought a court order to block Dominion Energy’s 176-turbine project — the largest of its kind in the nation — over claims construction would harm the endangered North Atlantic right whale.

VaNews May 29, 2024

A word from a Buckingham County Republican may have led to Trump endorsement of McGuire

By JASON ARMESTO, Daily Progress (Metered Paywall - 25 articles a month)

John McGuire has secured the golden endorsement in his Republican primary battle with Bob Good: Former President Donald Trump has sided with the Virginia state senator over the incumbent representative after recent urging from a McGuire supporter. “Bob Good is BAD FOR VIRGINIA, AND BAD FOR THE USA,” Trump wrote Tuesday morning on his social media platform Truth Social. “John McGuire has my Complete and Total Endorsement!” ... He may owe the endorsement to one of his closest supporters: Ramona Christian.

VaNews May 29, 2024

School-Based Money Largely Unspent in Loudoun Amid Teachers Asking for Help with Costs


About 88.3% of money given to individual schools for instructional and administrative uses—including for teacher classroom supplies—goes unspent, according to division administrators. The report surprised School Board members as many teachers still ask parents to help offset classroom costs. The School Board’s Finance & Operations Committee on May 21 was briefed on the funding by members of the Department of Business and Financial Services.

VaNews May 29, 2024

Virginia’s finance secretary: Commonwealth’s economy ‘chugging along’


There was good economic news out of Richmond Tuesday morning as Governor Glenn Youngkin’s Secretary of Finance updated Virginia’s legislature. “We have still continued confidence on where we stand with the Virginia Economy,” said Finance Secretary Stephen Cummings, speaking before a House Appropriations Committee meeting. He was describing—in arguably less exciting terms—that the Commonwealth is thriving despite a few hiccups.

VaNews May 29, 2024

Petersburg formalizes casino partnership with Cordish, faces lottery-board vetting

By BILL ATKINSON, Progress Index (Metered paywall - 10 articles a month)

City Council cleared the path Tuesday for the state Lottery Board to review – and hopefully approve – the vendor for a planned casino in the southern part of town. In a specially called council meeting that lasted less than five minutes, council voted 6-0 to formalize its partnership with The Cordish Companies and Bruce Smith Enterprise to open a 92-acre casino-centric community off Wagner Road and Interstate 95. It was the first of several state-required steps to get the casino issue on a November referendum.

VaNews May 29, 2024

Va. Beach residents call for change after alleged racism on Kempsville High baseball team


Alleged racism on a Virginia Beach baseball team prompted community discussion at Tuesday night’s school board meeting. The Kempsville High School boys’ varsity baseball team forfeited its season after Virginia Beach City Public Schools said an investigation uncovered evidence of racism, hate speech and harassment.

VaNews May 29, 2024

Spotsylvania School Board rep charged with assault of fellow board member

By TAFT COGHILL JR., Fredericksburg Free Press

A Spotsylvania County School board representative was served a warrant Tuesday morning on charges of assault and battery of a fellow board member. The charge is related to Nicole Cole of the Battlefield District allegedly slamming a door into the shoulder of Lee Hill District representative Lisa Phelps and allegedly extending her leg to trip Phelps. Phelps said in a telephone interview that the incident occurred during closed session of the May 20 meeting.

VaNews May 29, 2024