Political Ads

US Representative District 2
"Chip In $5. Help Us Hold This Toss Up Seat"
Sponsor: Elaine Luria
Started Running: 6/26/2020
Impressions: 30K - 44K

Scott Taylor voted with Trump 98% of the time and put his party over Virginians’ best interests.
His campaign even resorted to voter fraud in 2018 in an attempt to defeat Elaine!
Taylor has shown time and again he is unfit to represent Virginia, let alone hold any political office.
Help us hold this tossup seat with a contribution of any size so we can keep far-right extremism out of Congress.

US Representative District 2
"Chip In to RE-ELECT Elaine Luria - Democratic House Leader"
Sponsor: Elaine Luria
Started Running: 6/26/2020
Impressions: 11K - 16K

Elaine was rated the 3rd most effective lawmaker out of all 435 House members!
She was also named one of the most bipartisan members among the freshmen in Congress.
Meanwhile, Elaine’s Republican opponent Scott Taylor (who she unseated) is calling her “as useful as a wet blanket”.
VA-02 is one of the few toss-up races in the nation, and we need grassroots support if we’re going to keep Elaine in Congress.
Chip in what you can before our end-of-month fundraising deadline so we can continue the fight!

US Representative District 2
"Help Us Protect This Seat"
Sponsor: Elaine Luria
Started Running: 6/26/2020
Impressions: 14K - 18K

Elaine has received endorsements from some of the country’s top political action groups. They know she’s putting the health and safety of Virginians first.

Now, we’re facing a toss up reelection in our purple district and need all the support we can get to make sure we hold this seat.

Chip in $5, $10, or whatever you can before the end of month so we can reach our fundraising goal and stay competitive in this race.

US Representative District 2
"The Margin is Razor Thin. Help Us WIN."
Sponsor: Elaine Luria
Started Running: 6/26/2020
Impressions: 20K - 28K

Elaine’s facing off against Scott Taylor again after narrowly unseating him in 2018.

We won by a narrow margin then and now we’re facing another close race. We can’t allow Scott Taylor to flip this seat back to red.

Chip in what you can before the end of the month fundraising deadline to help us hold this tossup seat and keep Scott Taylor’s extremism out of Congress!