Political Ads

US Representative District 2
"CHIP IN to Keep This Seat Blue."
Sponsor: Elaine Luria
Started Running: 7/24/2020
Impressions: 128K - 154K

NEW POLL: Democrat Elaine Luria and Repubican Scott Taylor are TIED for the VA-02 House seat!

In 2018, Elaine beat Scott Taylor with just 51% of the vote and now we’re facing another close race. We can’t allow Scott Taylor to flip this seat back to RED.

CHIP IN what you can before the end of the month fundraising deadline to help us hold this tossup seat and keep Scott Taylor’s rightwing extremism out of Congress!

US Representative District 2
"Scott Taylor Bumper Sticker"
Sponsor: Scott Taylor
Started Running: 7/22/2020
Impressions: 15K - 21K

If you would like a bumper sticker mailed to you, Please message us your address. Let’s go!

US Representative District 2
"United, We Will Rise. Together, We Can Accomplish Anything."
Sponsor: Scott Taylor
Started Running: 7/24/2020
Impressions: 280K - 335K

United, we will rise. We will build back, and we will prevail. Service. Leadership. Unity. It’s what we need to right the ship, and it’s what I’ll bring back to Congress.

US Representative District 2
"We’re BEHIND by $7200. Chip In."
Sponsor: Elaine Luria
Started Running: 7/24/2020
Impressions: 89K - 106K

UPDATE: We’re at risk of falling BEHIND Scott Taylor in the polls if we don’t meet our $20,000 fundraising goal this month.

We won this toss-up seat with just 51% of the vote in 2018 and now victory is predicted to be razor thin.

Chip in to help us reach our $20,000 end of month fundraising goal so we can keep the Republican Party from taking back this seat.