Political Ads

US Representative District 2
"Elaine Luria co-sponsored and voted for HR1"
Sponsor: Scott Taylor
Started Running: 8/19/2020
Impressions: 14K - 20K

Elaine Luria co-sponsored and voted for H.R.1, or the “For the People Act of 2019,”

The Bill allows millions of dollars in public funding (tax dollars) for candidates running for Congress and allows the use of campaign funds to cover the personal expenses of candidates.

How do you feel about your tax dollars going to these nasty ads? No wonder she tried not to debate.

US Representative District 2
"Elaine Luria hasn't answered the call"
Sponsor: Scott Taylor
Started Running: 8/20/2020
Impressions: 135K - 165K

Elaine Luria hasn't answered the call...For small businesses, seniors, and Veterans, no answer when we needed her most. Resulting in only 249 constituent cases, ranking dead last among her peers.

US Representative District 2
"Get Your Scott Taylor Yard Sign!"
Sponsor: Scott Taylor
Started Running: 8/19/2020
Impressions: 80K - 90K

Want to support Scott Taylor and stop Pelosi's puppet Elaine Luria? Enter your information below and Wyatt and Jackson will bring you a yard sign!

US Representative District 2
"Scott Taylor Pivotal in Securing PPE For Virginia"
Sponsor: Scott Taylor
Started Running: 8/17/2020
Impressions: 10K - 15K

Hey, team - it's Regan here!

We are thrilled to announce that the campaign has just launched TV ads for Scott's race for Congress for the General Election.
Keep an eye out for us on TV!

When the global pandemic hit, Virginia, it's hospitals, and our front line workers could not get personal protective gear (PPE), Scott was pivotal in securing tons of it to help Sentara, other hospitals, and the Commonwealth of Virginia.

US Representative District 2
"Where is Elaine Luria?"
Sponsor: Scott Taylor
Started Running: 8/22/2020
Impressions: 25K - 30K

While Elaine Pelosi and her out of state billionaire backers launch smear ads against me to stay in power, our neighbors are not getting helped with their Social Security, VA, IRS, Medicare issues. In the middle of a Pandemic and with much greater need, Elaine has helped less people this year than last year. She ranks dead last among her peers and has only helped a small fraction of the people our office or their offices have helped. We stand ready on day one to help our people.