Political Ads

US Representative District 2
"Message - Elaine Lied"
Sponsor: Scott Taylor
Started Running: 9/30/2020
Impressions: 175K - 200K

Elaine LIED and has taken over $1M from special interests. She voted with Pelosi 92% of the time. Now she is supporting the Biden tax plan that will raise our taxes by $4 TRILLION dollars.
Elaine Luria - A Dishonest Politician We Can't Trust

US Representative District 2
"Message - No one works harder for veterans"
Sponsor: Scott Taylor
Started Running: 9/28/2020
Impressions: 11K - 13K

No one works harder for #veterans
Let’s go!

US Representative District 2
"Message - Washington Post has reported the truth about Elaine’s lies"
Sponsor: Scott Taylor
Started Running: 9/30/2020
Impressions: 35K - 40K

Don’t take it from me, even the Washington Post has reported the truth about Elaine’s lies.

“Luria is still attacking Taylor over it, though he has not been accused of wrongdoing.”

She is only doing so to hide her own absent, ineffective, and unaccountable record.

US Representative District 2
"Yard Signs - Get Your Scott Taylor Yard Sign"
Sponsor: Scott Taylor
Started Running: 9/30/2020
Impressions: 200K - 250K

Hey everybody we are in the home stretch! Our team has delivered over 7000 yard signs in the district. We just got our final batch of 5000. Fill out the form below and I'll personally make sure it's delivered to your house.

US Representative District 2
"Donate - Message from Dan Crenshaw"
Sponsor: Scott Taylor
Started Running: 10/4/2020
Impressions: 57K - 68K

Message from Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas)